Useful information about your procedure and our clinical service.
Shave your scrotum on the morning of your vasectomy or the evening before your vasectomy using the above image as a guide. If you’re not sure how much of the area to shave it is better to shave more of the area rather than less. We recommend avoiding the use of hair removal creams or waxing as this can irritate the scrotal skin.
Blood thinners: Let us know if you are taking any blood thinning medications such as aspirin, clopidogrel, xarelto or fish oil. We will let you know when to cease these medications in preparation for your vasectomy.
Time off work: whilst our no-scalpel vasectomy technique has a rapid recovery with minimal downtime we still recommend taking 7-10 days off work if your job involves heavy lifting or straining. If light duties are available at your workplace you should be fine to return after 1-2 days. Please ask us for a medical certificate on the day of your vasectomy.
Consent: we will send you an electronic consent form prior to your vasectomy. Please read and e-sign this consent form prior to your vasectomy. If you have any questions about this form we can answer them on the day of your procedure, alternatively, get in touch via the online enquiry form here to book a free phone consultation with Dr Masterson.
Dr Masterson was raised in Sydney and completed his medical degree at The University of Adelaide where he was awarded the prize in Paediatric Surgery and served as Chairman of the Adelaide University Surgical Society.
Dr Masterson is one of Australia’s most experienced and trusted vasectomy surgeons and performs more than 50 vasectomies per week.
Click below to choose your preferred location, time and date to have your vasectomy performed. You can also book a phone consult with Dr Masterson if required.